

"If I hear anyone calling them 'maps' again, they're walking home on the interstate."

- Capt. Jeff on the term "charts".


Video Clips

Bering StarThe Bering Star
Pulling along side the Bering Star and its Arctic tug the M/V Impala
A 1000k QuickTime Movie

Coast GuardA Coast Guard Cutter
A Coast Guard Cutter speeds by off the coast of Bellingham, Washington.
A 460k QuickTime Movie

At the HelmAt the Helm
Our fearless Captain keeps a watchful eye on the horizon.
A 900k QuickTime Movie

Deception PassDeception Pass
Passing under the bridge at the North end of Whidby Island.
A 380k QuickTime Movie

At the HelmDoug at the Helm
1st officer Doug pilots us through Deception Pass.
A 930k QuickTime Movie

In the Main CabinIn the Main Cabin
Engineer Matt makes some complex nautical computations involving Minesweepers.
A 820k QuickTime Movie

Looking ForwardLooking Towards the Bow
The Viking's impressive stack as seen from the stern.
A 480k QuickTime Movie

The WhalerThe Whaler Astern
Our support vessel and crabbing platform is towed astern.
A 675k QuickTime Movie

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